We are looking forward to the new school year and another year of amazing music! San Ramon Voices is committed to your student’s musical education and development and to providing the resources necessary for the Choir Director to uphold the SRV choir program’s impressive tradition of excellence. We cannot do this, however, without donations from our choral community.
We ask that every family contribute at least $300 to help cover the costs of the program, including our fabulous new full-time accompanist Kenji Harada, music, supplies for the classroom, instrument maintenance, operating costs for San Ramon Voices and our end of year scholarships. Your donation is essential in helping us continue to serve the students and Choir Director. Become a sponsor by submitting payment for one of the sponsorship levels below.
Your tax-deductible donation will be considered a sponsorship and your generosity will be recognized in all concert programs. Please also consider a Full Measure or Whole Note Sponsorship.
We appreciate your generosity and continued support of the choir students and their choral music education. If we hit our goal of $40K in our fall registration campaign, then we don't have to do further fundraisers throughout the year!!
FULL MEASURE SPONSORS of $3,000 and above
- Recognition in all concert programs
- Up to 4 complimentary admission tickets to all concerts (only 2 tickets for the Spring Fundraiser)
- Up to 4 reserved seats to all concerts
WHOLE NOTE SPONSORS of $1,000 to $2,999
- Recognition in all concert programs
- Up to 2 complimentary admission tickets to all concerts (excludes the Spring Fundraiser)
- Up to 4 reserved seats to all concerts
The following sponsorships will be recognized in all concert programs:
- Half Note Sponsor of $500 to $999
- Quarter Note Sponsor of $300 to $499
- Eighth Note Sponsor of $200 to $299
- Sixteenth Note Sponsor of $100 to $199
Thank you for your generous tax-deductible donation!