- Producer: $1000 Your donation helps to purchase new stagecraft technology: like theatrical lights and wireless microphones for our performances (2 free tickets general admission tickets to one night of every show, including improv, and inclusion on the Supporters Plaque in Lobby)
- Director: $500 Your donation helps support our ever growing library of plays and scene books, as well as bringing in guest teachers in for thing like weapon's training! (2 free general admission tickets to one night for 2 shows of your choice)
- Stage Manager : $250 Your donation helps to fund set construction and assures we have safe and functional sets as a vital component of our performances (2 general admission tickets to a show of your choice)
- Supporting Cast: $100 Your donation helps fund our student scholarship program - historically providing 3 students with scholarship funds for future study
- Ensemble: $50 Your donation helps support theatre social events and end of year awards for excellence in writing, performance, set and tech
Most local theatre companies charge $1500 or more per production! SRVHS provides multiple opportunities to perform on stage (acting, musical, comedy), learn valuable tech skills and stage management, direct and write. All free to our students and all supported by your generous donations.
Thank you for supporting Theatre Arts at SRVHS, and see you at the show!